
モデル1:G. ヒルマン(1981,1984)



  • Hillman, G. 1981a. Reconstructing crop husbandry practice from charred remains of crops. In Mercer, R.J. (ed.) Farming practice in British prehistory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 123-161.
  • Hillman, G. 1981b. Cereal remains from Tell Ilbol and Tell Qaramel. In J. Matthers(ed.) The River Qoueiq, northern Syria, and its catchment: studies arising from the Tell Rifa’at survey 1977-79. BAR International Series 98: 503-507.
  • Hillman, G. 1984. Interpretation of archaeological plant remains: the application of ethnographic models from Turkey. In W. van Zeist and W.A. Casparie (eds.) Plants and ancient man: studies in palaeoethnobotany. Rotterdam: A.A.Balkema. 1-41.

モデル2:M. ジョーンズ (1985)


  • Jones, M. 1985. Archaeobotany beyond subsistence reconstruction. In G. Barker and C. Gamble (eds.) Beyond domestication in prehistoric Europe: investigations in subsistence archaeology and social complexity. London: Academic Press. 107-128.

モデル3:G. ジョーンズ(1983,1987)



  • Jones, G. 1983. The ethnoarchaeology of crop processing: seeds of a middle-range methodology. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2 (2): 17-26.
  • Jones, G. 1987. A statistical approach to the archaeological identification of crop processing. Journal of Archaeological Science 14: 311-323.
